Focus on “Six O’Clock III: Feet” and the Heywood Gallery’s Last September ’23 Open Hours
There are six paintings in this “Six O’Clock Series” so far. This piece, “Six O’Clock III: Feet” is the epitome of relaxation. There is simply no mistaking that the owner of those feet was relaxing while watching a very colorful sunset. I heightened the sunset colors to complement the feet’s playful character and to bring a smile to the viewer’s face.
It’s perhaps an unusual name for a series of paintings, but the backstory of this series explains it all: when my husband and I would go to our summer house in Maine we would spend most of our time working on projects, then go home exhausted. One day I pointed out to Bob that we had worked so hard for this summer home to be a reality, we had perhaps lost sight that it was a place for us to relax.
We immediately made a pact that, no matter what, when at our summer house we would stop any task or project at 6:00 pm and meet on the wharf to take in the sunset, me with my glass of wine and sketchbook, and he with his Diet Coke and camera. Many an enjoyable evening was spent like this.
Drawing inspiration from Monet’s haystacks (which he painted in various different lighting situations), each piece in this series is different but all encompass the same view — that from our summer house wharf — in different light. Each piece also encapsulates my husband’s character and personality, as a memorial to him and to those fun evenings on the wharf: colorful and lighthearted.
This piece and “Six O’Clock II: Hot” on view at the Heywood Gallery, 921 Main St. (across from the Waldo Theatre), Waldoboro, Maine on Saturday, September 23rd, 2:00 to 6:00 pm.